Pregnancy + Postpartum Therapy

Parenting is hard…..

You had a vision of what your life would look like with your new baby. You prepared your birth plan, filled your home with newborn essentials, took classes, and read books. You felt confident. Then…..a traumatic birth, high needs baby, lack of support, breastfeeding challenges and little sleep turns, what you had hoped would be an easy transition, into a real struggle. The demands of being a new mom becomes overwhelming and stressful in a flash. You feel robbed of these special newborn moments that you had dreamed about.

Maybe you’re feeling like…

  • You’re trying to do everything “right,” but you still feel guilty for not doing “enough.”

  • Motherhood doesn’t feel the way you hoped.

  • You feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, and exhausted. 

  • Your partner just doesn’t understand what you are feeling and you don’t know how to explain it.

  • You are grieving your old self because it doesn’t seem to have room in your new life.

  • You are trying to navigate the loneliness you feel even when you are surrounded by people.

The dream of what you thought motherhood would be like feels out of reach

The demands of being a new mother brings on an unexpected range of emotions including excitement, and joy, and as well as feelings of sadness, grief, guilt and even anger.

With the surge of all of these feelings, it is hard to be present with your baby and yourself. 

The reality is, you are trying to give your all in this new role as a mother, but there is something keeping you from feeling connected and fulfilled.

Some days feel easier than others, but you’re ready to feel the easier days more often than not. 

You are not alone.

Being a mom is hard + postpartum is real

Motherhood does not have to feel this way.

Can you imagine feeling…

  • Heard, validated, and supported throughout your motherhood journey.

  • Like your old self has space in your new life as a parent.

  • Unstuck and connected to your baby and this new experience.

  • Like you can finally focus on enjoying this time without depression or anxiety in the way.

  • Like you are a good mom because you are doing your best… (because you are).

Go from feeling overwhelmed to confident, calm and connected- so you can enjoy being the parent you’ve always wanted to be.

It’s possible to stop the spiral + be present in your new life

We understand the unique challenges that pregnancy and postpartum can bring to a new mom.

We are here to support you with compassion and empathy.

What therapy looks like with us:

  • Manage your postpartum depression + postpartum anxiety: The good news is that what you are feeling is not uncommon.

  • We will work together to learn helpful coping and self-care strategies and parenting skills that will allow you to be the parent you want to be.

  • Improve your relationships: Having a new baby can also bring strain to your relationship with your partner. We will learn how to communicate effectively with your partner as you navigate this new experience together.

  • Embrace motherhood with confidence: Motherhood can shine a bright light on not feeling good enough. In our time together, we will work on building your confidence so you feel equipped to deal with the highs and lows of being a parent.

It was a big step just getting here. Let’s make this next part simple:

Step 1: Reach out

Click this link to schedule a free 15 minute consultation

Step 2: We go to work

Get a feel if we are a good fit for you + schedule your first session

Step 3:Experience change

Your therapy session is just a click away!

Are you ready to:

  • feel less alone and more connected to yourself and your family.

  • identify your needs and communicate them effectively.

  • feel more in control of your life and your time.

  • have more energy and confidence.

  • learn parenting tools that will help you navigate everyday life as a mom.

  • feel confident in your abilities as a mother, and a partner.

    Let’s talk!

Let’s get started

We can help you get there. Let’s talk!