Empowering you to get the night’s sleep you not only want, but deserve!

Hi, Tired Parents!

Are you ready to get more sleep?

About Us:

We are Ronna and Janna, a mother-daughter duo, both of us Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultants, who love working with new parents and their children as they regain control of their lives through more sleep.

Raising kids is hard!

We know this both personally and professionally. It is also a wonderfully rewarding time if you can be rested enough to appreciate it. Being sleep deprived makes parenting challenging, exhausting, and not much fun. It can lead you to doubt yourself and your ability to parent. We get it, and are here to help!

Influenced by our clinical social work experiences supporting new parents in a preschool, working with pregnant and postpartum moms in a large Los Angeles medical center, leading new parent support groups, and providing sleep consulting, Ronna and Janna combined their passions to launch Baby Snooze Coach.

No one knows your child like you. That’s why we will partner with you, combining your understanding of your child with our experience and training as certified infant and toddler sleep consultants and clinical social workers. We get the importance of listening to you and not being judgmental so we can understand your parenting challenges and preferences.

We create customized sleep plans, using the information you provide, which will meet your needs and incorporate your parenting priorities.

Our goal is to help you cut through the clutter and make your life easier by getting you and your child restful sleep.

We can’t wait to be part of your parenting journey, whether you are looking for a full partnership or just a few phone calls to answer some questions: Baby Snooze Coach is the right choice.

We are here to help.

Does a good night’s sleep sound like a dream?

You’re EXHAUSTED, overwhelmed, and angry …

Are you ready to be transformed…be rested…and enjoy parenting?

We are committed to supporting new parents by providing them with the sleep they need and deserve. Whether you are a mom or a dad, not getting the sleep we need affects our relationships, work performance and our ability to parent. Let us help you reclaim your nights!

We will provide you with the guidance, support, and knowledge to help your child learn to sleep independently. We utilize a non-judgmental, supportive approach that meets you where you are.

At Baby Snooze Coach, we understand that each child is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep training. We base our custom sleep plans on your family’s goals and your child’s temperament and personality.

We are excited to be part of your parenting journey!

Let’s work together…

Send us an e-mail with which package you are interested in. We will respond within 24 hours with some available times for your free 15 minute consultation.


Simple Snooze Solutions:

Option 1: One 30- minute phone call (“quick fix chat”) + one 15 minute follow up call $185

Option 2: One 50-minute phone call + one 15 minutes follow up call $225

Option 3: One 50 minute phone call + two 30-minute follow up calls $285

Option 4: One 50-minute phone call with 7 days of unlimited texting (8 AM until 8 PM PST) $325

Add ons:

  • 3 additional 15 minute check in phone calls $135 (8 AM until 8 PM PST)

  • Written summary of phone call with personalized sleep strategies (emailed within 48 hours of phone call) $150

Life is stressful enough right now. Let’s make this part as easy as possible.

Click this link to request a free 15 minute phone consultation. We will talk about what you want to be different and how we can help you get there. If it feels like a good fit, we will set up a time for our first session and go from there.

Baby Snooze Coach

What our clients are saying

Baby Snooze Coach gave me the confidence to use my mom intuition while also providing me with the education I needed. Most importantly, they never judged me and always showed me compassion. Baby Snooze Coach works with you instead of telling you what to do.”

“ Sometimes you just need a cheerleader when you’re exhausted and mentally depleted, and Baby Snooze Coach was definitely that for me.”

Ronna and Janna were wonderful to work with and made me feel very comfortable throughout the process. They are totally judgement-free!

They checked in with me throughout the week and then made tweaks to our sleep plan as I updated them on my son’s progress. Ronna and Janna helped me get my son on a consistent bedtime schedule which prevented him from being overtired at bedtime.

“Just when we thought all hope was lost, Baby Snooze Coach taught our baby to sleep through the night!”

“When my baby was six-months old, my husband and I were desperate for sleep. We felt like we had tried everything except for sleep training. We wrongly associated sleep training with ‘crying it out', and quickly learned that there were other possible methods to try, but we still weren’t sure if we believed this was a good option. We felt like monsters anytime we didn’t immediately respond to her needs. We spoke with family, friends, and even an entire moms Facebook group, but we still weren’t convinced sleep training was for us, even though we were exhausted and miserable, and even though absolutely everyone who had done it highly recommended it….

….THEN we spoke with Baby Snooze Coach. The way they explained sleep training and how it would benefit our daughter and our entire family finally made sense. I felt like I had found the perfect coach who was a mix of comforting, understanding and realistic. They didn’t push any ideas on us at ALL, which was so helpful. They helped us find what would work best for our family and we all took it from there….

….Most importantly, what they recommended WORKED. My daughter is like a different baby! She took sleep training surprisingly quickly and slept through the entire night on the second night.”


Dedication. Compassion. Expertise.